Sub Tuum Praesidium

We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; Despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

Job’s Tears Rosaries

The Advocate | Daughter continues parents' tradition of making rosaries out of Job's Tears seeds


Years ago, Holy Rosary Catholic Church members Murphy and Jeanette Gautreau began their own spiritual ministry by creating rosaries from Job’s tears seeds.

Carrying on her parents’ tradition, Kathy Robinson, of St. Amant, has found joy while crafting sacred gray and brown-seeded rosaries.

The Job's tears plant grows in the yard of Kathy Robinson. The seeds are used to make rosaries.

The seeds grow from a tropical plant called Coix lacryma-jobi. The better-known name, Job’s tears, has a porcelain teardrop-shaped appearance. The hard-shell seeds are often used for rosaries, necklaces and other jewelry.
