Sub Tuum Praesidium

We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; Despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

Mexico Living Rosary

Screenshot: aerial view of the León city stadium in Guanajuato state in Mexico, Nov. 5, 2023 | photo credit: Rosario Viviente León

22,000 people pray ‘living rosary’ for peace in violence-plagued Mexican state - CNA


Diego López Colín, ACI Prensa Staff, Nov 9, 2023 / 18:20 pm

Approximately 22,000 people gathered on Nov. 5 in the León city stadium in Guanajuato state in Mexico to participate in the traditional “living rosary,” an expression of faith in search of peace.

Speaking with ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, Father Roberto Guerrero Velázquez, organizer of the prayer service, said the intention this year was to reflect on the “commitment and responsibility to care for each other together and to build the social fabric so that society may have peace, beginning with personal peace and then peace in the family.”
