'Austria Prays' Rosary Initiative
“Austria Prays” Rosary procession in Heiligenkreuz, Austria, Dec. 8, 2021. Photo by Carmen Kronspiess | Crisis Magazine |
The Austria Prays initiative has been accepted with great joy by many people. Dozens of prayer groups and thousands of people who follow the initiative speak for it. Often you get to hear: “I've been waiting for this for months!” Or: “At last there is prayer!”. Much has been written about the reasons and causes. Now the initiator should speak for himself. In this video you can find out the personal motivations and motivation of the initiator Louis-Pierre Laroche as well as the goals of the AUSTRIA PRAYER initiative. - Laroche
Amid waves of highly restrictive lockdowns and a proposed universal COVID-19 vaccine mandate to start February 1, tensions in Austria, where I live, are on the rise. But in late November, a new light of hope appeared on the horizon, just in time for Advent. Louis-Pierre Laroche, a wine merchant and father of eleven, issued a call to pray the Rosary with others in public, for Austria. Exhausted from the political responses to COVID offering just ever-increasing restrictions, suffering economically, isolated by the lockdowns, frightened and dismayed by the prospect of a universal vaccine mandate, Laroche’s call is resonating with Austrians eager to join in. - Jennifer Bryson
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